Monday, August 16, 2010

Low Key

  • Breakfast at Angelina's
  • Dolphin watching at China Beach 
  • Cleaning
  • CrossFit
  • Lunch
  • Massage
  • Joyriding around the Presidio
  • 2 hour nap (it was only supposed to be 30 minutes, but I was cozy and it's Saturday)
  • Take-out thai
  • "Drunken Master" with horrible dubbing on Netflix.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturdays are my game

August 7th, 2010 -- Saturday.
  • breakfast
  • cleaning
  • run
  • omelet
  • book
  • Top Gear
  • party!
As my Saturdays go, this one ranks firmly in the "very good" category.  It's not in the top 10, but it was still great and I didn't wake up today feeling emotionally drained, the way I sometimes do.

I didn't do CrossFit yesterday.  I woke up at about 7:30 yesterday, wide awake and restless.  I decided to go for a run rather than do CrossFit because I didn't want to wait until class to burn off all my energy.  I also cleaned my kitchen and bathroom in the morning.  As nauseating as it sounds, I love to start out my Saturdays super productive and then gradually relax through out the day.  It makes me feel better about relaxing. 

I spent most of yesterday afternoon with my nose in a book.  It has been a while since I've read a book so compelling that I'll spend hours with it at a time, but this one was and I tore through the last hundred and fifty pages or so in one sitting.  The book in question was "Player of Games" by Iain M. Banks. 

The highlight of yesterday was a party I went to with some great friends.  The hosts are extraordinarily musical.  One is a soprano in a choir and the other plays piano.  Every so often they'll have piano parties where the point is to eat, drink, be merry, and sing.  They're great, their friends are great, and singing is a lot more fun than I would normally give it credit for. 

I woke up this morning feeling mostly great and slightly hung over.  I'm good enough that I want to go out for a run, get some food shopping done, take out the motorcycle, and read another book.  And later I have a barbecue to go to.  I got invited last night by a few friends at the party and I can't wait.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturdays: a Guide

One of my friends once admired my skill at Saturdays.  I started this blog as a way to record what I do and why I do it.
  • CrossFit
  • nap
  • apple
  • antique shop
  • cappuccino
  • friends arrive
  • making cinnamon rolls
  • Burma Superstar + Top Gear
  • eating cinnamon rolls + more Top Gear
July 31, 2010.  Saturday.

Most Saturdays around eleven, I get on my motorcycle and make my way down to a gritty, fenced in parking lot next to Crissy Field.  The next hour is the most grueling of my week.  It is hard and painful and unpleasant.  But having survived that hour, the rest of the day could be a complete failure and I'd still mark the Saturday as a success.  Do something difficult in the morning.  Your sense of accomplishment will take the pressure off the rest of the day.

Having accomplished something difficult, reward yourself and allow yourself time to recover.  I chose to curl up on my couch and nap in the sun.  It was deliciously indulgent.

I woke up and savored the warm fuzziness that comes from mid-day naps.  There's a certain sense of pleasure that tries to draw me back to bed, but I love it too much to sleep through it.  Instead I chose to venture out and buy an apple from the produce stand on the corner.  Why?  Because I was hungry, but more importantly, because I could.  That's key to Saturdays.  "Just because I can" is a shockingly good reason to do things and take pleasure in them.  I come from a part of the country where fresh produce is in short supply and not procurable within walking distance.

Art is important, and I get my fix from local antique shops.  Revel in beauty and craft that someone else creates.  I wandered through one I hadn't been to before and saw some breathtaking paintings. 

Cappuccino from a local coffee shop on the way home.  Because the nap hasn't worn off yet, but more importantly, just because I can.

The plan for Saturday was always to make cinnamon rolls with some spare bread dough.  And to invite some friends over to help me eat them.

Friends arrived, we prepared cinnamon rolls, and then grabbed takeout from a highly regarded Burmese place nearby.  The takeout was great, but what made it special was the fact that one of these friends was just visiting from out of town, and this was a place she'd wanted to try.  When it's that easy to make someone happy, do it.  The rewards will always be far greater than whatever effort was put in.

The friends were given a formal introduction to Top Gear during dinner, for the same reason.  Top Gear makes people happy.  It's easy.  Therefore, it should be done. 

The cinnamon rolls came out of the oven and were served as dessert.  Phenomenal. 

And there were leftovers, so I started my Sunday with an artifact of Saturday for breakfast.